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We are a local business that provides huge benefits to the economy of our country; our business is based on an E-Commerce platform, and pays commissions for Business Associates (BA), our Business Associate can build their business in any part of the country due to the following benefits.

  1. E-store – Products can be purchased via the internet 24hrs.

  2. Products purchased will be delivered to your door step via courier service within 21days.

  3. Business Associates do not have to hold stocks.

  4. All BA's are provided with a sales kit , orientation and product training

  5. Leader or senior BA will guide the new Business Associates (BA).

  6. Training room and business centre floors are available for the business associates at no cost.

  7. Virtual office is available to each business associate to view their sales performance.

  8. Business Associates can choose their flexible time to work.

  9. No place needed to conduct the business.

  10. No employees needed.

  11. No large capital to start the business like the conventional businesses.

  12. Weekly commission statements will be posted to Business associate.

  13. Customer Support Group CSG – Business Associates have access to our CSG to take care of their daily needs as per product, commission, customer inquiries and booking of training room etc.

We also approach local suppliers to manufacture various types of products for the market. This further benefits our country economy and encourages traditional employment in the manufacturing sector.


We invest on research and development to create exclusive, innovative and high-quality products that are tailored to meet the lifestyle needs of our people. Our products are divided into several business lines which include Luxury, Home Care & Holiday Packages.


Like any other business, market forces decide on the ultimate price tag we place on our products. We charge a premium on our products because of the quality, and the value they represent.


We subscribe to ethical business practices and follow all the rules, regulations and laws of our land  we promote and support the practice of vegetarianism as part of our corporate philosophy. The environmental advantages and non-violence advocacy inherent in a vegetarian lifestyle are fully endorsed by the Company, and in serving of vegetarian meals at all company events and functions.


People from all professions and sectors are involved in the business. Flexibility in their working hours is one of the main reasons why they chose to become Business Associates. They do not have to leave their jobs to do the business, Which is why the industry appeals mainly to single parents, mothers of young children and part time workers.


We provide them with an opportunity to earn money to supplement their household or family incomes and to have a better quality of life. Although a fair proportion may decide to make a career out on the business full time, the bulk of the sales force in the country is made up of part-timers.


Hence, we offer a legitimate avenue to earn an income without depending on the Government for subsidies and benefits. It also helps to reduce social ills such as unemployment and its related issues, thus benefiting the economy of the country. It’s a good commitment and support to the Government on developing our country and enabling people to work together from all communities with better interaction and communication. Also teaching the people the basic skills needed to run their own businesses.